
國立中正大學法學集刊 TSSCI

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篇名 論「裁判憲法審查」——制度的繼受、施行與展望(下)
卷期 68
並列篇名 A Study on the Judicial Review of the Court Decisions: Institutional Succession, Implementation and Prospects
作者 吳信華
頁次 001-054
關鍵字 大法官憲法訴訟法人民聲請釋憲裁判憲法審查憲法訴願司法院大法官審理案件法Justices of the Judicial YuanConstitutional Court Procedure ActConstitutional Complaint Constitutional Complaint Concerning a JudgementConstitutional Complaint Constitutional Interpretation Procedure ActTSSCI
出刊日期 202007




The Legislative Yuan (Taiwan, ROC) amended the “Constitutional Interpretation Procedure Act” to become the “Constitutional Court Procedure Act” on Dec. 18, 2018, which will come into force on Jan. 04, 2022. The new Act will serve as a fundamental law to govern the procedure for judicial interpretations. The major reform specified in the new act is the inclusion of “court judgments” as an added legal object for Constitutional petitions by the people. The new act thus adopts a procedure of “constitutional complaint concerning a judgment” for Justices to examine the constitutionality of a court decision. The added framework for the judicial review was adopted from the German system of “constitutional complaint concerning a judgement”. Thus, this paper argues that basic research on the legislative backgrounds, fundamental theories, and regulatory differences between Taiwan and Germany are essential for localized practice. It suggests that special attention should be paid to observe debates over the said system in Germany. The transplantation of such a foreign system also merits further studies along with possible challenges in domestic implementation. Hence, this paper aims to investigate and explore the above issues as well as to provide the prospects of the enforcement so as to propose feasible suggestions and recommendations for implementing the system in Taiwan.
