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篇名 透過共識建立法提升臺灣醫事放射職類放射治療領域之專業認同
卷期 15:1
並列篇名 Promoting Professional Identity of Taiwanese Radiation Therapists By Using Consensus Methods
作者 杜昭遠溫舒瑜黃子婕林煒柔黃國明楊志偉
頁次 060-065
關鍵字 勝任能力導向醫學教育共識建立法學習里程碑專業認同醫事放射治療職類competency-based medical education consensus methodlearning milestoneprofessional identityradiation therapistTSCI
出刊日期 202101
DOI 10.3966/199457952021011501011


勝任能力導向醫學教育(Competence-Based Medical Education, CBME)是目前重要的趨勢,能夠強化職類特色之核心能力訓練,逐步建構出完整專業能力訓練藍圖,其中推展成功的關鍵之一,就是凝聚領域專家與師資的共識與專業認同。為促進全國醫事放射職類放射治療領域專家對於核心能力與里程碑的理解,進一步提升專業認同,持續強化醫學教育發展,本專案透過共識方法學的嚴謹過程,達到提升專家對於職類特色核心能力之理解程度與專業認同之目的,並提升專家應用學習里程碑於臨床教學之接受度,以利未來CBME在全國醫事放射教育訓練之落實與推展,提升醫療服務品質。


Competency-based medical education (CBME) is a major approach used to establish a blueprint for and strengthen specialty-specific competency training. A key factor for the implementation of CBME is to reach consensus and promote the professional identity of domain experts and faculty. To enhance the understanding of core competencies and milestones as well as promote the professional identity of nationwide radiation therapist experts, a consensus camp for learning milestones was conducted in 2019. After the implementation of a thorough consensus process, we found that participants had an improved understanding of core competencies and milestones and an enhanced professional identity. In addition, after the process, participants demonstrated higher acceptability and feasibility of undergoing specialty training in the future.

