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篇名 急診門禁管理品質改善專案
卷期 15:1
並列篇名 Access Control Mechanism in Emergency Departments: A Quality Improvement Project
作者 張淑貞高尤娜謝至嘉江欣怡李靜如陳素梅林志豪
頁次 066-071
關鍵字 急診門禁管理冠狀病毒疾病滿意度emergency departmentaccess controlCOVID-19satisfactionTSCI
出刊日期 202101
DOI 10.3966/199457952021011501012


結果:總共回收161份問卷,其中32(19.9%)是急診醫師,64(39.7%) 護理師,34(21.1%)警衛,31(19.3%) 是病人及家屬。總體滿意度為93.5%,在環境安全,隱私,及感染控制的滿意度最高。門禁管控對於減少臨床及護理作業干擾及職場暴力也受到肯定。然而,門禁可能造成探病不便,病人及家屬的情緒壓力增高。


Purpose: To evaluate and improve the access control of emergency departments.
Materials and methods: In early 2020, we conducted a project to establish an access control mechanism for inhibiting the spread of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in the emergency department of a tertiary teaching hospital in Tainan, Taiwan. The project included the use of a pass for accompanying individuals, the use of an auto sensor for door control, and the information management of security guards by using mobile applications. A web-based questionnaire survey was conducted between March 16, 2020, and March 26, 2020, to evaluate the outcome of the project.
Results: We collected 161 survey responses, of which 32 (19.9%), 64 (39.7%), 34 (21.1%), and 31 (19.3%) were from emergency physicians, nurses, security guards, and patients and their families, respectively. The overall satisfaction rate was 93.5%, and most participants agreed that access control is necessary for environmental security, privacy, and infection control. Access control is also beneficial for minimizing care interruption and workplace violence. However, access control may increase emotional distress and inconvenience for patients’ families while visiting patients.
Conclusion: Access control of emergency departments is crucial for environmental and infection control as well as for effective medical and nursing practices.

