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篇名 失序的家庭與教育──吳曉樂《你的孩子不是你的孩子》角色形塑
卷期 52
並列篇名 Disorderly family and education ─ the study of role making in Wu Xiao-Le “On Children”
作者 林沛玟
頁次 073-100
關鍵字 吳曉樂《你的孩子不是你的孩子》情緒勒索親子關係Wu Xiao-Le“On Children”emotional blackmailparent-child relationship
出刊日期 202012




The main character in “On Children” Wu Xiao-Le appears in many families as a private tutor. Owing to her perspective insight and great introspection, Wu told the life stories of characters in each family profoundly. Under the diplomaism education system, parents impose social mainstream values and their expectations on the children continuously, bringing children to bear pressure from their family and social system - striving to become the person which meets social expectations. However, the parent-child relationship is broken apart by exams and scores invisibly. When parents obey to the rigid traditional social system and use their authority to oppress their children to be ruled by them, whether parents or children, both will get hurts and never make up with each other eventually. This paper is taking “On Children” as the text and using “Emotional Blackmail” and “gender division of labor” perspectives to discuss how parents force their children by emotional blackmail and what children should do to face their parents’ expectation and emotions. Besides, every mother is under a lot of pressure through patriarchy system “Father” is always absent in the family, and it makes “mother” internalize herself, follow traditional values, rationalize the parent-child relationship which is bound by the patriarchy, and then “mother” takes teaching children as her responsibility. If kids cannot be outstanding people, “mother” become the first condemning target by their family and the society. For avoiding this situation, “mother” has to interfere more in their children’s lives. Consequently, “mother” and “child” are both imprisoned by patriarchal cage, they could not escape and suffered from it. Therefore, reflection on the role of “mother” is also the main topic of this paper for disscution.
