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篇名 經典、習俗與禮法——對喪服「嫡孫承重」的歷史考察
卷期 38:4
並列篇名 The Classics, Customs, and Ceremonial Rites: A Historical Investigation of the Mourning Dress of the Mainline Grandson as the “Double Heir”
作者 馮茜
頁次 047-081
關鍵字 嫡孫承重嫡庶行輩繼嗣承祀mainline grandsondisun 嫡孫double heirchengzhong 承重dishu systemseniorityinheritance customsMEDLINETHCI
出刊日期 202012




Concerning the principles of succession and related customs in ancient China, significant differences are evident between the views held by legal historians Niida Noboru 仁井田陞 (1904-1966) and Shiga Shuzo 滋賀秀三 (1921-2008). Niida maintains that in the selection of heirs, the two major models, namely “direct linealism” 嫡系主義 and “seniority” 行輩主義, have had their own growths and declines in different periods of time; in contrast, Shiga believes that corresponding with the equal division of property, “seniority” had already replaced “direct linealism” following the Qin and Han dynasties. The mourning dress of the mainline grandson, or disun 嫡孫, for his grandfather as the “double heir” 承重, however, provides an important perspective for understanding the principles of the custom and revisting the above contention. From the Wei and Jin to Tang dynasties, inheritance rights embodied the title of nobility and land ownership, and were thus mainly applicable to the succession of noble families. As the mourning dress of the mainline grandson as the “double heir” lost its institutional foundation in the Song dynasty, seniority taking precedence was legally established in the eighth year of the reign of Emperor Shenzong of Song (1075). At the same time, the mourning dress of the mainline grandson as the “double heir” received the opportunity to spread to the common people due to the elimination of institutional constraints and its re-interpretation by scholar-bureaucrats. The ceremonial rites of the Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasties also adopted the mourning dress of the mainline grandson as the “double heir” from Jiali 家禮 (Family Rites), which had a profound impact on the custom. Because of the diversity of customs as well as the emphasis placed on maintaining the “experience” of the system of rites by textual research on the study of rites, however, the mourning dress of the mainline grandson as the “double heir” remained a controversial topic during the Qing dynasty. Considering the interactions between the classics, customs, and ceremonial rites, one can note seniority did not simply replace direct linealism as well as a certain level of complexity regarding how people at the time treated ritual concepts differently.
