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篇名 竹莖扁蚜不同型態個體之次世代定序轉錄體資料比較
卷期 34:4
並列篇名 Transcriptome Comparison in Different Morphs of Pseudoregma bambucicola Takahashi (Hemiptera: Aphididae) Using Next Generation Sequencing
作者 尤約書亞王琄嬋李春霖
頁次 321-330
關鍵字 竹莖扁蚜兵蚜基因本體Pseudoregma bambucicolasoldier aphidcuticle proteingene ontology
出刊日期 202012
DOI 10.6542/EFNTU.202012_34(4).0003


竹莖扁蚜是一種具寄主轉換及造癭特性之社會性昆蟲,其生活史大部分世代都是以孤雌生殖的方式繁殖,並展現出複雜的多表現型現象。本研究利用竹莖扁蚜在原生寄主植物上的無翅型成蟲和兵蚜及在次生寄主植物上的無翅型成蟲和兵蚜,共四種蚜蟲的轉錄體次世代定序資料,以Weighted deviation (Wd)分析方法比較在相同寄主植物上的兩種型態蚜蟲,及在不同的兩種寄主植物上的相同型態蚜蟲共四種比較組的高差異表現基因。結果發現,不同寄主植物的無翅型成蟲的比較組有最多的高差異表現基因,而在次生寄主植物上的兵蚜和無翅型成蟲的比較組則最少,且四個比較組基因本體(gene ontology, GO)有功能註解的基因都不超過半數。顯著基因功能分類(GO)分析結果顯示,四個比較組大部分的基因功能顯著表現都集中在生物過程(Biological process)中的代謝過程(metabolic process)和細胞過程(cellular process)、細胞元件(Cellular component)中的細胞(cell)和細胞部分(cell part)、及分子功能(Molecular function)中的結合(binding)和催化活性(catalytic activity),且每種型態的蚜蟲都具有各自獨特的基因功能註解。


Pseudoregma bambucicola Takahashi is a social aphid characterized with its host alternation and gall formation. The aphid reproduces parthenogenetically in most generations within a life cycle and performs complicated polyphenism. To analyze expression of genes, transcriptome data from next generation sequencing were used. Soldier aphids and wingless adults of P. bambucicola from the primary and secondary host plants were selected to compare differences between different morphs from the same host plant, and between the same morph aphids from different host plants. Weighted deviation analysis was used to find differentially expressed genes between comparisons. Results showed that the comparison between wingless adults from different host plants revealed the highest numbers of differentially expressed genes while the comparison between soldier aphids and wingless adults from the secondary host plant revealed the lowest. All comparisons revealed less than half of the differentially expressed genes can find GO annotation. After significance analysis and classification, most of the significantly expressed GO annotations were the same for all the compared groups; metabolic process and cellular process in Biological process, cell and cell part in Cellular component, and binding and catalytic activity in Molecular function. It also showed that all compared morphs of aphids were revealed to have their specific significantly expressed GO annotations.
