
Journal of Computers EIMEDLINEScopus

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篇名 An Innovative Teaching Application and Research of the Game-Based Learning in the Game Design Essentials Course
卷期 32:1
作者 Hui-Chen TsaiHsiao-Chin Jen
頁次 154-163
關鍵字 Game-Based Learninginnovative teachingInteractive Multimedia Apps DesignEIMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 202102
DOI 10.3966/199115992021023201013



Game-Based Learning allows students to observe, explore, and learn through the learning process through media such as computers, mobile phones, and digital games. In recent years, relevant literature has found that Game-Based Learning is considered to be a high-input and high-learning activity that can enhance students’ motivation for learning. This research course is a basic theory and framework that leads students to understand game development design. The purpose is to let students understand how the game is constructed and the correspondence between the game’s role and the rules. This research object is the first-year students of the five specialties. This is the first method to break the traditional classroom teaching method and integrate the game-based learning innovative teaching strategy into the classroom. It develops the first knowledge theory foundation during the course implementation, and leads the students to learn the knowledge through multimedia interactive APP editing software. After absorption, the application is supplemented, allowing students to create experience learning in the process of learning by doing. In order to ensure the quality of teaching and the effectiveness of students’ learning, the learning degree questionnaires were conducted at the beginning and end of the period, and the knowledge theory was written and tested. Finally, the game APP creative works were completed with the knowledge and skills of the classroom professors.

