
Journal of Computers EIMEDLINEScopus

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篇名 Using Web Service Middleware to Smart Smart Multi-Test System in CMOS Image Sensing Devices
卷期 32:1
作者 Dongsheng ChengRuey-Shun ChenHuiyu ZhangZhiyu Zhang
頁次 183-199
關鍵字 Smart Multi-Test SystemWeb service middlewareMetal-Oxide Semiconductor Extensible Markup Language EIMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 202102
DOI 10.3966/199115992021023201016



The current CMOS image sensor industry has lots of challenges including product life cycle shortening, manufacturing cycle shortening, strategically vertical integrated operation and precisely quality. There are lots of difficulties in customized test system including duplicated function develop, less flexible, and hard to integrate heterogeneous systems. Currently, collect the test data in the test system is easy to make mistakes and causes the poor quality control. In this research, I have designed a web service middleware of software component structure and XML data structure to collect, integrate, and manage device test data. It provides an extendable, flexible, standardized and reusable web service middleware component test software platform. To use this software platform build a CMOS image sensor Smart Multi-Test System, then to integrate MES system, provide functions of automatic collect test process data, automatic hold and release process lot which has abnormal quality. It provide database and file system handling service, XML data format translate handling service, basic data maintain service, test result translate service, quality of production control service and abnormal event handling service. The result of this research, it automatically collects process data to save data entering time and prevent the making mistake in operation, and improve efficiency of operator operation. It also provides a quality control mechanism to improve efficiency including the quality of product and the inspection quality up to 95percent. And it makes the more flexible producing and save 75 percent of the new equipment data format develop time.

