
嶺南學報 THCI

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篇名 李兆洛對駢文的重構
卷期 復刊12
並列篇名 Li Zhaoluo’s Reconstruction of Parallel Prose
作者 吕雙偉
頁次 285-300
關鍵字 李兆洛《駢體文鈔》駢文風骨重構Li ZhaoluoPiantiwenchaoParallel ProseStrength of CharacterReconstruction
出刊日期 201912




Although the format of parallel prose was already established in Han and Wei Dynasties, the official term did not appear until Qing Dynasty. Since the trend of combining parallel prose and prose essay during the reigns of Emperor Jiaqin and Emperor Daoguang, Li Zhaoluo reconstructed the meaning of parallel prose through theoretical criticism and creative writing, and in doing so, innovated both the theory and the writing of parallel prose, In terms of theory, he criticized the parallel prose of Qi-Liang Style and praised the Han-Wei Style. He further added writings with parallel style from Qin and Han dynasties into parallel prose collections, and broadened the content of parallel prose, and constructed Han-Wei style parallel prose that combined parallel prose and prose essays. This kind of parallel prose pursues vigorous style and consistent literary quality, often with four words and single sentences rather than four or four-six prose. The language is exquisite, and narratives harmonious, with a less focus on rhythm. This is the most popular style of parallel prose in the late Qing Dynasty, which also deconstructed the neat four-six prose in the early Qing Dynasty. Understanding the process and impact of Li Zhaoluo’s reconstruction of parallel prose has invaluable significance for today’s parallel prose research.
