
嶺南學報 THCI

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篇名 商盤手批《杜工部集》考辨
卷期 復刊12
並列篇名 Textual Analysis of Shang Pan’s Annotations of Tu Fu’s Poetry Anthology (杜工部集)
作者 曾紹皇
頁次 301-321
關鍵字 商盤手批本《杜工部集》黃生《杜詩説》Shang PanTu Fu’s Poetry Anthology Huang ShengComments on Tu Fu’s Poetry
出刊日期 201912




In the Qing Dynasty, Shang Pan manually annotated Tu Fu’s Poetry Anthology (杜工部集), which is now stored at Hubei Provincial Library, where it is regarded as one of the most important rare books. However, academia has thus far not paid enough attention to Shang Pan’s annotations. In the process of selecting from Tu fu’s anthology, Shang Pan deliberately made relevant technical changes, including deleting content or adding details to increase the complexity of the anthology. Shang Pan’s changes to the anthology encompass both content and form, which could be confusing for the readers. In fact, Shang Pan’s annotations and comments preserved most of the comments from a previous scholar, Huang Sheng’s On Tu Fu’s Poetry (杜詩説), and provided references for studying Huang Sheng’s On Tu Fu’s Poetry. In sum, Shang Pan selective compilation of Tu Fu’s poetry shows the trend of researching Tu Fu’s poems in early Qing Dynasty and reflects the difficulty and complexity of discerning the authenticity of works on Tu Fu’s poetry in Qing Dynasty.
