
嶺南學報 THCI

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篇名 開啟南北朝至唐代遊仙詩道教化的轉關——上清經派道人楊羲的道教遊仙詩
卷期 復刊11
並列篇名 The Beginning of Daoist Transformation of Mystical Excursion Poetry from Southern and Northern to Tang Dynasties: On the Mystical Excursion Poetry of Yang Xi, A Shangqing School Daoist
作者 張宏
頁次 125-152
關鍵字 道人楊羲道教上清經派仙女下凡婚配煉丹奉道道教遊仙詩Daoist Yang XiShangqing School of Daoismfairies coming down to earth for lovepills of immortalityDaoist mystical excursion poetry
出刊日期 201908




During the process of constructing Shangqing jing 上清經 (Shangqing School Scripture), Daoist Yang Xi 楊羲 created a mystical method of writing Daoist mystical excursion poems through planchette writing. Yang initiated created mystical excursion poems about fairies coming down to earth for love and marriage and about Daoists alchemy. Focused on Daoist practices, these poems changed the style of mystical excursion poetry to Daoist cultivation. On the description of fairyland, he praised a lively and bustling world of Daoist immortals in gaudy colors, and for the first time, depicted vividly the magical scenes of how Daoist alchemists create pills of immortality with a strong sense of religious mysticism. In doing so, he highlighted and preserved the “dragon and tiger” spirit of mystical excursion poetry, and initiated the Daoist transformation of mystical excursion poetry from Southern and North to Tang dynasties. Furthermore, his poems left a profound influence on poems about the alchemy of later generation poets, including Li Bai.
