
嶺南學報 THCI

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篇名 曾鞏古文的美感特質——兼論其與歐陽古文的關係
卷期 復刊11
並列篇名 The Aesthetic Features of Zeng Gong’s Guwen and Its Relationship with that of Ouyang Xiu’s
作者 何寄澎
頁次 197-216
關鍵字 曾鞏古文美感特質歐陽修宛轉抒情Zeng Gongguwenaesthetic featuresOuyang Xiuwanzhuanlyricism
出刊日期 201908




Zeng Gong’s 曾鞏 guwen 古文 (ancient-style prose)is viewed as a direct successor to Ouyang Xiu 歐陽修 and is well regarded by the scholars from the Song to Qing dynasties. However, his readership declined since the Republican Era (1912 1949). In spite of the discussions on his work with continued appreciation, there lacks detailed analysis and treatise of the ways in which Zeng Gong succeeded Ouyang Xiu in terms of ancient-style writing. Ouyang Xiu’s ancient-style writing occupies two main aesthetic features, including,first of all, the tactful and wanzhuan 宛轉 (euphemistic) writing style; second, the sentimental and lyrical tone. This paper selects five pieces of Zeng Gong’s guwen works, including “Xiangguosi weimoyuan ting qin xu” 相國寺維摩院聽琴序 (The Preface of Listening to Zither Music at Xiang Guo Temple), “Qizhou za shi xu” 齊州雜詩序 (The Preface of Miscellaneous Poems at Qizhou Prefecture), “Zeng Li An er sheng xu” 贈黎安二生序 (The Preface Dedicated to Two Scholars Named Li and An at Parting), “Wang Wujiu zi xu” 王無咎字序 (The Preface on Wang Wujiu’s Courtesy Name), and “Mo chi ji” 墨池記 (The Record of Ink Pond) as examples, in order to analyse Zeng’s euphemistic style of writing. This paper also selects another five pieces, including “Song Wang Xi zi Qianzhi xu” 送王希字潛之序 (The Preface Dedicated to Wang Xi with the Courtesy Name Qianzhi at Parting), “Xueshe ji” 學舍記 (The Record of Study Hut),“Liu Bosheng muzhiming” 劉伯聲墓誌銘 (The Epitaph of Liu Bosheng), “Er nü muzhiming” 二女墓誌 (The Epitaph of Two Daughters), and “Huai you yi shou ji Jieqing” 懷友一首寄介卿 (An Article about Missing Friend, for Jieqing), in order to illustrate Zeng’s lyrical tone. In doing so, this paper aims to highlight the aesthetic features of Zeng’s ancient-style writing, with comparisons to that of Ouyang Xiu’s, so as to shed light on the poetic relationship as well as differences between Ouyang and Zeng.
