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篇名 原住民幼兒學習數的合成與分解之歷程研究
卷期 23
並列篇名 A Study About the Process to Learn Number Composing and Decomposing of the lndigenous Children
作者 徐敏琪高傳正王玉華
頁次 024-052
關鍵字 原住民幼兒幼兒數學數的合成與分解Indigenous preschoolerPreschool mathematicsNumber composition and decomposition
出刊日期 202101




This qualitative study aims to understand the learning process of number composition and decomposition for indigenous preschoolers and investigate their learning outcomes with the use of math games developed by combining their life experiences. In the study, a kindergarten teacher taught three indigenous preschoolers to compose and decompose numbers with the self-developed teaching activities and to establish their concept of number composition and decomposition by letting them practice independently through games. Through classroom observations, interviews, and teaching reflections, a process of the indigenous preschoolers’ learning of number composition and decomposition is presented. The findings are as follows. (1) The indigenous children could develop different resolution strategies through 1-10 composing and decomposing math games. (2) Math teaching activities self-developed by teachers should combine preschoolers’ life experiences and their daily life situations so as to better increase their thinking and understanding. (3) All of the three indigenous preschoolers showed improvements after the “Number Composition and Decomposition” teaching activities.
