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篇名 3D列印桌遊融入幼兒數學教學對3歲幼兒計數能力的影響
卷期 23
並列篇名 Effects of Early Childhood Mathematics Teaching Incorporating Three-Dimensional Printed Board Games on the Counting Ability of 3-Year-Old Preschoolers
作者 程維琪吳中勤
頁次 053-072
關鍵字 3D列印桌遊計數能力3D printingboard gamecounting abilities
出刊日期 202101




Few studies have investigated the effects of three-dimensional (3D) printed board games in preschoolers’ math instruction on counting ability. Preschoolers’ counting ability is the basis of subsequent math learning. Operability and entertainment are critical to enhancing counting ability. This study used a systematic curriculum, design model, and teaching strategy to design a board game that incorporates a preschool math activity with 3D printing to elicit learning motivation; the effects of this game on the fixed numeral order, one-to-one correspondence, and cardinal number skills of 3-year-old preschoolers were investigated. A pretest of counting ability was implemented in two classes. One class was randomly assigned as the experimental group, and another class was the control group. Teaching activities were applied for 4 weeks in the experimental group. Then, a posttest was conducted. Data from the pretest were analyzed using a t test to understand differences between the two groups regarding counting ability, and one-way ANOVA was used to identify differences between the posttest results of the two groups. The findings indicated that incorporating the 3D printed board game into preschoolers’ math instruction helped promote the fixed numeral order, one-to-one correspondence, and cardinal number skills of 3-year-old preschoolers.
