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篇名 衝擊後編定工業區的規劃治理反思-以安平及台南科技工業區為例
卷期 38:2
並列篇名 The Governance for Industrial Park after Shock - A Case Study of Anping and Tainan Technology Industrial Park
作者 潘思錡胡太山林海萍
頁次 059-083
關鍵字 產業園區韌性衝擊Industrial parkResilienceShock
出刊日期 202012




The issue of economic resilience has attracted lots of attention recently. Since 2010, due to the European debt crisis, the European Union abandoned its policy of blindly cultivating high-tech industries to promote economic development. Instead, it has paid more attention to the development of existing local industries and appropriate policy resources. According to this thinking, this study takes Anping and Tainan Technology Industrial Parks as the research objects. First, through narrative statistical analysis, from the perspective of industrial structure and knowledge and innovation, the difference between the structures of the two industrial parks are analyzed. Secondly, through in-depth interviews, we clarify the different issues of the two industrial parks. Finally, from the perspective of planning and governance, we examine whether the current organization and policy input have responding to the different needs of the different industrial parks. This study suggests that in addition to providing subsidies, allowances and rent reduction to help businesses tide over the shocks, they should also treat the crisis as a turning point and assist in industrial parks to create more resilient environment in the future. Besides, attention should be paid to the structure of industrial park differentiation, and appropriate policy assistance should be provided.
