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篇名 醫用營養之醫病共享決策
卷期 25:2
並列篇名 Shared Decision Making for Medical Nutrition
作者 賴聖如楊榮森
頁次 256-261
關鍵字 醫病共享決策臨床營養治療醫用營養shared decision makingclinical nutrition treatmentSDMmedical nutritionTSCI
出刊日期 202103
DOI 10.6320/FJM.202103_25(2).0012




Malnutrition influences cancer treatment and increases the complication rates after operation. Measurements of anthropometric body composition such as body weight, weight change, and body mass index are often used to assess malnutrition. However, muscle mass, changes of muscle mass before and after surgery, and sarcopenia are more properly used to define malnutrition. The assessment of muscle mass is limited in clinical practice, the bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) provides a better evaluation to reach accurate results, but it is not covered by medical insurance and is not widely used. Therefore, a professional intervention and explanation by dietitian is needed. Using a shared decision-making process, the dietitian can communicate with the patients and medical team, early detection of malnutrition and individualized nutritional intervention strategies, including supplement of adequate amount of protein and energy. Thus, they will improve the quality of nutrition support and optimize the overall medical satisfaction.

