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篇名 掠奪性研討會
卷期 25:2
並列篇名 Predatory Conferences
作者 江家璇辜美安
頁次 293-298
關鍵字 掠奪性研討會掠奪性會議虛假研討會學術倫理predatory conferencespredatory meetingsfake conferencesresearch ethicsTSCI
出刊日期 202103
DOI 10.6320/FJM.202103_25(2).0017




An academic conference is a venue that facilitates face-to-face scholarly exchange. It is usually the beginning of an academic career for students and novice researchers. Recently, because of the growing demand for academic conferences, unscrupulous conference organizers have exploited researchers and reaped huge profits by hosting “predatory conferences”. One may easily fall prey to the trap of predatory conferences if due attention is not given. Therefore, this review article assembles various common dishonest practices of predatory conferences and characteristics of typical invitation emails, hoping that this will enhance the ability of readers in identifying predatory conferences, thereby reducing the erosion of academic professions and scientific development caused by predatory industry and preserving the functions and true values of academic conferences.

