
國立政治大學歷史學報 THCI

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篇名 國家司法與民族自尊:牛蘭事件下的政治角力
卷期 54
並列篇名 National Justice and National Dignity:Political Wrangling for The Noulens Affair
作者 林威杰
頁次 079-116
關鍵字 國家司法民族自尊牛蘭蔣中正張沖National JusticeNational dignityHilaire NoulensChiang Kai-shekZhang ChongTHCI
出刊日期 202011
DOI 10.30383/TJH.202011_(54).0003




The Noulens Affair, a major international espionage case while the Nationalist Government was in power, once caused a heated discussion among the public both at home and abroad, and various forces launched rescue operations thereby. However, what is thought-provoking is that the Soviet Union had not yet established diplomatic relations with China and could enjoy no privileges in China when the case happened in 1931. Why is the Noulens Affair, therefore, seen as China’s opportunity to recover extraterritoriality? What does an espionage case have anything to do with the self-esteem of the Chinese nation? The entire affair was but political aftermath resulted from the so-called “Li-san” line advocated by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and it also led to the frustration encountered by the Communist International (Comintern) in the Far East. The cleaning up of the Noulens Affair was regarded as an important victory by the Investigation Section of the Organization Department of the Chinese Kuomintang Central Committee. How did Zhang Chong, the then secretary-general, fight against spies from the Communist International? The aforementioned questions are the main foci of this study.
