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篇名 宋代經筵轉向與《四書》經典化
卷期 48:1=560
並列篇名 A Transition in Song Dynasty Classics Colloquia and the Canonisation of the Four Books
作者 朱漢民
頁次 005-020
關鍵字 經筵講席《四書》士大夫之學帝學Classics Colloquia lecturesFour Booksstudy of scholar-officialstheory of emperorshipA&HCI
出刊日期 202101




The Classics Colloquia (Jingyan) system of the Northern Song period underwent a process in which its foundational aim changed from a search for governance strategies to that of perfecting the moral character of the ruler, thereby bringing the question of 「inner sageliness」 to the attention of the Song scholar-officials. Whether with regard to the overall positioning and characterisation of Song period Classics Colloquia lectures or the selection of their central content, there was on the part of the Song scholar-officials a gradual transition in emphasis away from politically utilitarian 「governance」 toward the moral idealism of 「dao」, thereby expediting the development of a new canonical system with the Great Learning as its overarching intellectual framework and the Four Books as its core constituents. The construction of a systematic academic framework for study of the Four Books was originally just an expression of the esprit de corps of the literati, wherewith to record their political ideas and cultural ideals. However, by way of the teaching platform provided by the Classics Colloquia, the Song scholar-officials were able to promote the Four Books qua new theory of emperorship to be studied and emulated by both emperors and emperors-in-waiting, thereby giving furtherimpetus to the process of canonisation of the Four Books themselves.
