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篇名 權力世界中的思想盛衰悖論——以湖學為例
卷期 48:1=560
並列篇名 The Paradox of the Rise and Fall of Thoughts In the World of Power: Taking the Huzhou School as an Example
作者 何俊
頁次 079-095
關鍵字 湖學宋代理學思想盛衰The Huzhou SchoolNeo-ConfucianismThe Rise and Fall of ThoughtsA&HCI
出刊日期 202101




Hu Yuan and the Huzhou School he started set an example for Song studies. The extant work Hongfan Kouyi was his magnum opus in political philosophy. The book focuses on solving issues of that specific time and elucidating Confucianism, representing breakthroughs he made from the studies of Confucian classics in Han and Tang dynasties. His study of Confucian classics was effectively presented through his pedagogy, and the latter therefore acquired deep ideological connotation. Later on, the principles of the Huzhou School were elevated from local to central government which meant that the regional experience was made universal and put into practice. Nevertheless, as the existing national ideology and education were replaced because of the intervention of political power, the Huzhou School started to decline, and the thought diversity in local areas disappeared. This warned and also inspired the following Neo-Confucians in revitalizing Confucianism.
