
中國文哲研究集刊 CSSCITHCI

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篇名 曲當人情——王陽明論正人之道
卷期 56
並列篇名 A Winding Way to Transform People’s Dispositions: Wang Yangming on the Way of Rectifying Others
作者 陳志強
頁次 039-069
關鍵字 王陽明過惡惡人正人道德心理學Wang Yangmingwrong/evilnessevildoersrectifying othersmoral psychologyTHCI
出刊日期 202003




The problem of evil has seldom received direct attention in Confucian studies. Traditionally, Confucian scholars have focused on the cultivation of human “goodness”; as a result, “badness” is not a fully-thematized concept. Even when scholars sometimes shed light on the study of evil, the focus is always on removing personal selfishness under the realm of self-cultivation, but not on rectifying others. This paper aims at investigating the way of rectifying others in the philosophy of Wang Yangming. There are three main arguments: 1. The non-ideal family relationship is the key to the issue. Rethinking the case of Shun’s abusive family members, I will point out that concern with evildoers is significant to the Confucian concept of selfhood. 2. Based on recent research in moral psychology, the ideal strategy of rectifying others will be discussed. Condemnation triggers moral rationalization in the evildoers, and thus fosters their wrongness; the soft power of corrective influence is a more effective way to reform others. 3. Wang Yangming advocated a unified approach to diverse issues; as a member of the school of xin (heart-mind), his arguments are developed around that concept. Not only do correcting oneself and rectifying others share the same principle, there are also consistencies in the spirit and strategy of rectifying others in the realm of family, friends and society. It is expected that the problem of evil could be further explored by elucidating the way of rectifying others in Wang Yangming’s philosophy, and fresh universal insights with contemporary relevance could also be offered.
