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篇名 YKK株式會社拉鏈之商標分析研究
卷期 27:4
並列篇名 Analytical Study on the YKK Corp Zipper’s Trademark
作者 陳省三喬昭華陳文娟
頁次 203-209
關鍵字 YKK拉鏈商標尼斯分類ZipperTrademarkthe Nice Classification
出刊日期 202008




Since YKK Co. Ltd establishment in 1934, they fully committed their energy on self-making and self-selling their zippers. Even machinery and equipment were all designed and developed by their own research to create the best quality zippers for customers. YKK is almost one century old and is producing about one-third of the zipper in the global market. There are many emerging competitors especially from China due to the rise of textile and garment industry. How did YKK face this situation? The study was based on Taiwan, China, the United States and Japan's trademark information for data analysis. This study discovered YKK's strategy was "one major brand, many flank brands". The method was using "YKK"as the major brand and other trademarks were supportive roles. "YKK"was used for cross-category trademark registration, and focused on defensive trademarks /product trademarks, and core trademarks registered on different category. Viewing from a global perspective, each oversea branch office used their resources to assist parent company to form a global enterprise network.
