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篇名 清華簡(陸)鄭國三篇簡文的為政思想
卷期 48:3=562
並列篇名 On the Political Ideas of the Three Articles of Zheng in the TsingHua Bamboo Slips
作者 郭梨華
頁次 075-093
關鍵字 清華簡子產鄭國為政Tsinghua Bamboo slipsZi ChanZhongThe state of ZhengpoliticsA&HCI
出刊日期 202103




In the Tsinghua bamboo slips (Vol.6), there are four articles, including “Zheng Wen Gong wen Tai Bo” (A and B), “Zheng Wu Fu Ren gui Ru Zi” and “Zi Chan”, which are unearthed materials related to the state of Zheng. The three excavated materials , except for the Guoyu-Zhengyu(國語.鄭語) and ZuoZhuan(左傳), but there are very few related intellectual discussions. The purpose of this paper is to explain the political thought and value of Zheng’s government through the excavated documents and the handed-down documents about Zheng during the pre-Qin period. With the help of the clues provided by the bamboo slips, we can be inspired to reopen another direction of thinking, instead of looking at it only in terms of historical facts or in a historiographical way. In the three texts, the values can be compiled, which are Zheng(正), Zhon(中), He(和), Xin(信), and the importance of the existence of Min(民) in governance. These can be seen as part of the philosophical shift from the late Spring and Autumn Period turn to the Warring States Period.
