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篇名 論柏拉圖傳統中的「與神相似」觀念
卷期 48:3=562
並列篇名 On the Notion of “Godlikeness” in Platonism
作者 樊黎
頁次 155-169
關鍵字 柏拉圖主義與神相似逃離神聖瘋狂PlatonismGodlikenessThe Idea of EscapeDivine MadnessA&HCI
出刊日期 202103




This paper explores the Platonic notion of godlikeness as the human telos. First, from the comparison between the Platonic notion of godlikeness and its ancient alternative, namely “living according to nature”, arises the question as to whether the Platonists had good reasons to prefer godlikeness. Second, the relevant accounts in the Platonic tradition indicate that the Platonic telos can be achieved primarily, if not only, through a flight from the world, and Plotinus interprets the flight in question as engaging in theōria. The Plotinian interpretation has been dominant. Finally, by examining the Plotinian interpretation in light of Plato’s dialogues, especially the Phaedrus, we come to the conclusion that the flight in question should not be interpreted as turning from praxis to theōria, but as transforming our natural life in light of transcendent reality.
