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篇名 高雄市國中教師休閒參與、休閒效益、對幸福感之影響
卷期 8
並列篇名 The Impact of Happiness on Leisure Participation, Leisure Benefits for Junior High School Teachers in Kaohsiung City
作者 陳妍潓廖冠傑陳柔均
頁次 050-065
關鍵字 國中教師休閒參與休閒效益幸福感junior high school teachersleisure participationleisure benefitleisure obstaclehappiness
出刊日期 201912




In recent years,Taiwan’s education reform has continued, and the country’s middle schools have not alleviated the pressure on their academic work. Instead, they have become more tired by adding extra points. Teachers are still in need of responding to parents’ questions and concerns in addition to teaching, which has caused teachers’ pressure to multiply. The sense of well-being is low. This study believes that leisure participation can help reduce work stress and enhance happiness through leisure benefits. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to provide specific suggestions for the reference of relevant units through the understanding of the effects of leisure participation, leisure benefits and other factors on happiness, to enhance teachers' happiness. Through survey and research in the effective sample descriptive statistics, independent sample t test, F test, and finally to examine the predictive power of multivariate regression analysis of the factors mediation and interference effect.
According to the results of data analysis, the study conclusions are as follows: (1) the junior high school teachers in Kaohsiung will increase their happiness by decreasing “sports leisure activities” or increasing “art leisure activities”. (2) if the junior high school teachers in Kaohsiung can be more aware of “body and mind leisure benefits”,they can enhance “life and body with mind aspects of happiness”; if they can be more aware of social leisure benefits,they will enhance the “job and interpersonal aspects of happiness”. (3) the junior high school teachers’ “leisure obstacles” has interference effect on “sports leisure participation” to “happiness”. Therefore,increasing the “interpersonal and intrapersonal leisure obstacles” and “structure obstacles” in teachers’ “sports leisure participation” will enhance “happiness. Besides,“leisure obstacle” has interference effect on art leisure participation to “social benefit” and “self-realization benefit”. Hence,if teachers can decrease leisure obstacles when taking part in art leisure activities, they will be able to reinforce leisure benefits and then enhance their happiness.
