
Architecture Science

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篇名 集合住宅同層排水系統作為建築生命週期維護解決方案之研究
卷期 22
並列篇名 A Study of Same-Floor Drainage Systems as Life-Cycle Maintenance Solution in Residential Buildings
作者 鄭政利河村禎彦陳炯睿廖婉茹
頁次 035-044
關鍵字 建築排水系統集合住宅同層排水性能評估配管工程Building Drainage SystemResidential BuildingSame-Floor DrainPerformance EvaluationPlumbing Engineering
出刊日期 202012
DOI 10.3966/221915772020120022003




The life cycle of drainage plumbing systems in buildings is far shorter than that of buildings themselves, thus maintenance and system reform are often necessary during the life cycle of a building. The construction industry in Taiwan usually put the drainage plumbing system under the floor which caused problems for maintenance and retrofitting work during the building’s life cycle. This research focused on same-floor drain technology and the fundamental performance issues involved, and conducted surveys regarding solutions for the design of building drainage systems. The current practical drainage issues in residential buildings were investigated. Questionnaires and statistical analysis were used to figure out the feasibility and design strategy for same-floor drain technology. There are still many field procedures and construction methods that should be integrated and regulated for same-floor drain technology. The results reveal the feasibility of optimal adaptation and application for same-floor drain technology in residential buildings.
