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篇名 運用醫病共享決策提升末期腎臟病病人治療模式選擇之成效
卷期 32:1=113
並列篇名 Using Shared Decision Making to Promote the Efficacy of Treatment Modality in Patients with End Stage Renal Disease
作者 陳慈君張麗君
頁次 052-064
關鍵字 醫病共享決策末期腎臟病慢性腎臟病治療模式選擇shared decision makingend stage renal diseasechoosing treatment modality
出刊日期 202103
DOI 10.6386/CGN.202103_32(1).0005




This project aimed to promote the efficacy of choosing treatment modality in patients with end stage renal disease to raise the completion rate of treatment modality selection to higher than 70%. However, the ratio of patients who have decided the modality of renal replacement therapy before initiation of dialysis was decreasing progressively in our hospital. Between January 2017 and May 2017 in our hospital, dialysis modality has been decided in only 44% incident dialysis patients on dialysis initiation and temporal vascular access was used increasingly. Most incident dialysis patients were suffering at a loss to decide which treatment modality was the most suitable because of the uncertainty about the optimal timing at which a medical team should involve to help choose treatment modality, ineffective communication between medical teams and major decision makers as well as unsatisfactory space and tools for health education. In this project, we executed shared decision making by team meetings and discussed with patients and their family members colloquially based on evidence-based medicine. QR code was introduced and effectively facilitated diverse health education materials to be approached. Besides, the space for health education was refurbished. Thereafter, up to 81.3% patients have chosen the treatment modality before dialysis was initiated. Through this project, patients became willing to express their concerns and families became willing to face on the progress of chronic renal disease. Finally, patients would embrace the disease and choose treatment modality more effectively.
