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篇名 別雷小說《彼得堡》中的多重對立
卷期 29
並列篇名 The Conflicts in A. Bely’s Petersburg
作者 徐孟宜
頁次 057-078
關鍵字 別雷《彼得堡》多重對立Andrey BelyPetersburgConflicts
出刊日期 201806


小說《彼得堡》是俄國象徵主義作家安德列•別雷(Андрей Белый, 1880-1934, 本名Борис Николаевич Бугаев)的第二部長篇小說,也是原先計畫「東方─西方」三部曲的第二部,繼第一部小說《銀鴿》否定「東方」之後,《彼得堡》所展現的是對西方的否定。小說《彼得堡》寫作風格獨特、架構複雜,本文則試圖從小說中的多重對立為分析之切入點,探討其對立因素與人物的象徵意義,以期從中釐清別雷所欲表達的「否定西方」之理念。


Petersburg was the second novel by Russian symbolist writer, Andrey Bely (Андрей Белый, 1880-1934, настоящее имя Борис Николаевич Бугаев). Originally it was conceived as the second part of Bely's East and West trilogy. The first part was The Silver Dove which negative the concept of the East, and Petersburg challenge the culture impact from the West. In this article, author discussed the symbolic significance between conflict factors and characters in order to clarify Bely’s notion about the denial of the West.