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篇名 人工智慧之治理——以機器學習公平性為中心
卷期 32:7
並列篇名 Artificial intelligence governance in the aspect of fairness
作者 余和謙
頁次 053-073
關鍵字 人工智慧機器學習平等原則公平性倫理準則Artificial IntelligenceMachine LearningFairnessPrinciple of equality
出刊日期 202007




Fairness is becoming one of the most popular topics in Machine Learning in recent years. The research community has invested a large amount of effort in this field. Why we should care about it? The main motivation is that it is highly related to our own benefit.
We are at an age where many things have become or are becoming automated by machine learning systems. Artificial Intelligence is good but can be us incorrectly. The data provided by human may be highly-biased. Therefore, most of country revealed guidance, rules, even law which trying to mitigate the bias in Machine, but the problem is, are those solution correspond to the concept of principle of equality in law?
The purpose of this article is to study relevant fairness solution in the field of machine learning, and compare it to the concept of principle of equality in our justice system.
