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篇名 人工智慧之發展——論人工智慧專利發明人適格性
卷期 32:10
並列篇名 Development of A.I.——on Crediting A.I. as Patent Inventor
作者 王柏
頁次 051-073
關鍵字 人工智慧機器學習深度學習專利發明人適格性Artificial IntelligenceMachine LearningDeep LearningPatent Inventor
出刊日期 202010


本研究擬以近期歐洲專利局(European Patent Office)所做出之駁回專利申請之決定出發,探究此一議題。


Advance in artificial intelligence brings challenges not only to human society but also to law and policy makers. Concerning patent law, there is an ongoing debate recently on whether artificial intelligence can qualify as an "inventor" in patent law.
This paper starts from a decision made by European Patent Office (abbreviated as EPO hereafter) in 2020, where EPO explicitly rejected the notion that artificial intelligence can be regarded as an "inventor" in patent law.
This paper concluded that a part of the artificial intelligence nowadays are capable of generating new data with a given training set, and thus these kinds of artificial intelligence (mainly generative adversarial neural network and any other branches thereof) can be credited certain level of creativity.
However, the premise for law to recognize any artificial entity stands in the existence of the contributed welfare that the recognition can bring to the human society or transaction. If there is no objective or substantial contribution to human transaction or social welfare by recognizing artificial intelligence as patent inventor, it is doubtful that it is worth the effort of policy makers to regard artificial intelligence as inventor.
On the other hand, if recognizing artificial intelligence as patent inventor substantially brings contractual benefit other than subjective satisfaction to contract parties, recognizing artificial intelligence as patent inventor might be possible and viable in the perspective of policy makers.
