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篇名 服務創新、遊憩體驗與遊客重遊意願關係之研究——以埔心牧場為例
卷期 10:1
並列篇名 A Study of the Relationship among Service Innovation, Recreation Experience and Revisit Intention-A Case Study of Pushin-Ranch
作者 莊鎧溫黃子娟
頁次 203-213
關鍵字 服務創新遊憩體驗重遊意願Service InnovationRecreation ExperienceRevisit Intention
出刊日期 202103
DOI 10.6285/MIC.202103_10(1).0018




After the government implemented the policy of two days off a week, the rise of the Chinese people's emphasis on leisure, the demand for leisure farms increased. Pushin-Ranch is the first ranch in northern Taiwan. It has also been designated as a tourism area by the Taoyuan City Government. In recent years, many experience activities have been added to increase the recreational experience of tourists and increase the willingness of tourists to visit, and can make suggestions based on the research results. Give Pushin-Ranch as a basis for improvement.
The purpose of this research is to analyze the effect of service innovation and recreation experience revisit intention for Pushin-Ranch’s visitors. The conclusions and suggestions were listed as follows. The tools used for data analysis are correlation analysis and regression analysis. The results of this research are as following: To analyze the correlation among service innovation, recreation experience and revisit intention. The result reveals that service innovation has a significant effect on recreation experience and revisit intention. Besides, recreation experience has much influence on service innovation as well. In other words, recreation experience has mediating effect, on service innovation and revisit intention.

