
東吳法律學報 TSSCI

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篇名 大學學雜費管制的憲法框架與調整程序之檢視
卷期 32:3
並列篇名 Review of the Constitutional Framework for the University Tuition Fees and the Adjustment Process
作者 張志偉
頁次 065-101
關鍵字 公課法大學財務自治社會國原則學雜費調整程序Common LeviesUniversity Financial AutonomySocial State PrincipleTuition Fees Adjustment ProcessTSSCI
出刊日期 202101




Affected by the low birth rate, each university is more or less facing operational difficulties. One of the difficulties is the control on the tuition fees imposed by educational authorities. This article aims to articulate a tuition fee control model that may not undercut three important constitutional values and use the model to review current tuition fee adjustment process. The three constitutional values include: (1) the financial autonomy of universities which is derived from academic freedom and freedom of private education; (2) the university tuition fees not being the threshold of seeking higher education which is protected by the social state principle; (3) the collection of tuition fees being compliant with their legal characteristics, which means meeting the requirements of financial constitution and common levies.
