
Journal of Computers EIMEDLINEScopus

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篇名 Design of Environmental Perception System Based on Edge Computing
卷期 32:2
作者 Hongrui ZhangQinghai WangJianhong FengZhaohong YangHongyu Wang
頁次 233-239
關鍵字 Computing platformEdge computing technologyCloudQ-learningResource Scheduling StrategyEIMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 202104
DOI 10.3966/199115992021043202020



For the characteristics of marginal environment such as battlefields which environment is very difficult to measure, environmental perception has difficulty, resources are scarce, communication conditions are inferior and energy issues are highlighting. Depending on the issue that current architecture cannot process data in real time the edge calculation technique is proposed and aims to address the shortcomings of cloud computing in processing data that cannot be remedied. According to the EdgeX open source framework, an edge computing platform is designed in this paper. And realizes the three-layer network structure of “terminal edge-cloud” or “terminal-intelligent gateway-edge cloud-cloud”. According to the design idea of loose coupling, the edge computing platform realizes the loose coupling between microservices and the separation of management and service. A resource scheduling strategy based on depth Q-learning is used to realize adaptive scheduling, which can effectively deal with the fluctuation of load demand and maximize the utilization of resources.

