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篇名 美國川普政府對東南亞的政軍態勢
卷期 74
並列篇名 The United States Donald Trump Administration’s Politico-Military Posture toward Southeast Asia
作者 黃奎博
頁次 087-110
關鍵字 川普美國東南亞南海安全Donald TrumpUnited StatesSoutheast AsiaSouth China SeaSecurity
出刊日期 202104




This essay concentrates on the political and military posture of the United States (US) Donald J. Trump administration toward Southeast Asia, January 2017 and January 2021. The configurations of Trump’s and Barack H. Obama’s Southeast Asia policies differed slightly. Nonetheless, judging from the National Security Strategy of the United States, released in December 2017, and the ensuing reports from the Department of Defense and Department of State, as well as from the US policy toward the sovereignty dispute over the South China Sea, the tone of the Trump administration about its Southeast Asia policy became tougher than that in the Obama presidency. This essay illustrates and analyzes the political and military policy outputs of the Trump administration toward Southeast Asia, categorizing them into three dimensions: ASEAN-based summits, visits of high-level officials, and military and security cooperation. The performance of the US in the summits resulted in doubt about the US among Southeast Asian countries; the US high-level official visits were frequent but their outcomes were uncertain; and the military and security cooperation between the US and Southeast Asia remained close. These complicated US-Southeast Asia relations, and them did not seem to attain the strategic goal of the US that the mainland China’s influence on Southeast Asia should be subdued generally.
