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篇名 對《禮記》鬼神的哲學解讀——兼論「在世超越」
卷期 48:5=564
並列篇名 On the Philosophical Interpretation of Ghost and Divinity of the Book of Rites — The Peculiarity of “Living-Transcendent” of Chinese Philosophy
作者 陳浩
頁次 169-181
關鍵字 《禮記》鬼神在世超越The Book of RitesGhost and DivinityLiving-TranscendentA&HCI
出刊日期 202105




Ghost and Divinity is one of the most important topics, which sustains the whole Confucius Thought-Expressing on the background of Human-Living from the hidden back. In the Book of Rites, Ghost and Divinity is made out from Jing-qi by the Sage, which is flouting inside all things of universe to be fear. But itself is not horrible but the truest, purest, most virtuous. Because as the ontology of all thing of universe, Jing-qi is the ultimate resource which becomes the Ruler and Master of the world. So, human can face to face to the it. Then Ghost and Divinity is the result of deep Love for the world and human by humanity ration without any meanings of fooling people even in civilization. And Ghost and Divinity is not outside of all things themselves, but inside themselves. So, I express the peculiarity of Chinese Philosophy as “Living-Transcendent”.
