
教育與心理研究 TSSCI

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篇名 誰來承包我的活?關係型態與目標達成類型對自我調控外包的影響
卷期 44:1
並列篇名 Who Can Share My Work? The Impact of Relationship Type and Goal Achievement Type on Self-Regulation Outsourcing
作者 林慧慈孫蒨如
頁次 105-134
關鍵字 目標達成類型自我資源耗竭自我調控自我調控外包關係型態goal achievement typeego depeletionself-regulationself-regulation outsourcingrelationship typeTSSCI
出刊日期 202103
DOI 10.3966/102498852021034401004




Previous research showed that when individuals believe that their partners can help them to achieve their goals, they will unconsciously “outsource” the goals to others, so they can invest less time and effort in that. This phenomenon is called “self-regulation outsourcing”. The purpose of this study was to explore the influence of relationship type and goal achievement type on such outsourcing behavior. 182 non-psychology major students from the National Chengchi University, with an average age of 19.73, participated in this study. The experimental design was a 2 (relationship type: parent/friend) × 2 (goal achievement type: assisted/hoped) × 2 (ego depeletion: high/low) three-factor complete between-participants design, and the dependent variables were the time and effort participants would like to invested on the focal goal. The results revealed an ego depeletion main effect, those highly exhausted participants tended to outsource the goal to others more than those low exhausted participants. There was an interaction between the relationship type and the goal achievement type. Participants those who recalled their friends rather than recalled their parents had helped them to achieve their goals, invested less time and effort on the follow-up focal goal. Result also indicated that particioants who recalled their friends had assisted rather than hoped them to achieve the goal had invested less time and effort to the future focal goal. In other words, outsourcing occurred when participants recalled their friends had helped them. Also, there was an interaction between goal achievement type and the ego depeletion. Highly exhausted participants would be more likely to outsource their goals to others when they recall they had been helped.
