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篇名 再造人倫:曹元弼《春秋》學中的守制與建構
卷期 48:6=565
並列篇名 Reconstructing Human Relations: Tradition and Construction in Cao Yuanbi’s Study of the Spring and Autumn Annals
作者 許超傑
頁次 135-150
關鍵字 曹元弼康有為《春秋》正人倫改制Cao YuanbiKang YouweiSpring and Autumn AnnalsReconstructing Human RelationsReform SystemA&HCI
出刊日期 202106




Since the late Qing Dnasty, as western culture spreads to the east, Kang Youwei put forward “Confucius reform” to deal with the new situation. However, Cao Yuanbi thought that kang’s view was a heresy which destroyed traditional ethics. Bad learning leads to bad hearts, bad hearts leads to bad world. Starting from the difference between the new king (新王) and the king without crown (素王), Cao proposed that Confucius was only the king without crown but not the new king, so he did not reform the system. The way of Confucius is the way of inheriting the former sage. In order to refute kang’ s Confucius reform theory, Cao Yuanbi also constructed a line of rites in the Spring and Autumn Annals of Qing Dynasty, which Kong Guangsen, Ling Shu and Chen Li are the center of the inheritance. Only the study of the Spring and Autumn Annals ritual thought and correcting human relations can China get out of the dilemma between China and the west. Therefore, Cao Yuanbi looked for a way out for the late China is to stick to the Confucian tradition and Reconstructing Human Relations.
