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篇名 和會朱陸如何可能——基於內在與超越的關係對王陽明「心即理」思想的考察
卷期 48:6=565
並列篇名 How Is Convergence of Zhu Xi and Lu Jiuyuan Possible - An Examination of Wang Yangming’s Idea of “Heart Being Reason” Based on the Relationship between Immanence and Transcendence
作者 雲龍
頁次 167-181
關鍵字 王陽明和會朱陸心即理自我意識唯我論內在超越Wang YangmingConvergence of Zhu Xi and Lu JiuyuanHeart Being ReasonSelf-consciousnessSolipsismInner TranscendenceA&HCI
出刊日期 202106




The dispute between Zhu and Lu mainly concerns the possibility of the fusion of the system of Heaven and the system of Mind, and of subjective immanence and objective transcendence. Wang Yangming’s theory of Mind provides a solution to the dispute. By transforming the understanding of “things” into the original existing link inherent in self-“consciousness”, Wang realized the equivalent swap of the “living” constructive relationship of “mind”-“consciousness”- “things” based on the subject’s “mind” with the “correspondence” presentative relationship of “things”-“consciousness”-“mind” based on the object’s “thingness”. Based on this system, the Mind reaches the Heaven through encompassing all things: Encompassing all things enables it to refute the view of “solipsism” and find the mistake of the “Zen” interpretation; reaching the heaven enables it to keep the knowledge of “clear insight” and eliminate the suspicion of being “dogmatic”. Therefore, his teaching of “Conscience” forms a theoretically circular system of “Mind” and “Dao” being in harmony and generating each other, and of “Heaven” and “Human” being in harmony and accomplishing each other.
