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篇名 「天人不期合」:再議朱熹「《易》本是卜筮書」
卷期 48:6=565
並列篇名 “Disunion of Nature and Man”: A New Perspective on “I Ching is a Divination Book” by Zhu Xi
作者 劉舫
頁次 183-197
關鍵字 朱熹卜筮周易自然經學Zhu XiDivinationI ChingNatureConfucian ClassicsA&HCI
出刊日期 202106




Zhu Xi claimed that I Ching is a divination book in his two books: Original Meaning of I Ching and Introduction to I Ching, which were devoted to overcome the fragmented and far-fetched interpretation of previous schools of I Ching. The diagrams, Xian tian’s Yi and ritual of divination were given priority in his works, which has been long criticized in the history of I Ching study. As was noted that the correspondence of man and nature began to be under suspicious from North Song Dynasty, Zhu Xi restated the fact that Fu Xi made eight trigrams to revise the Nature-Yi-Sage relationship so that nature and man were completely separated as the presumption of investigation of things. With the development of cognition ability, people were able to conceive the origin and diversity of world through the combination and change of trigrams, which was parallel to historical commentaries of I Ching. Zhu Xi reconstructed the I Ching to resume its function of philosophical expression for his time, which became fundamental theory of the works of nature studies afterwards.
