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篇名 知覺組織支持對軍職人員就業力及求職自我效能影響之研究
卷期 42:1
並列篇名 Perceived Organizational Support: Contributions to Employability and the Job-Seeking Self-Efficacy of Military Personnel
作者 劉憲明賴威任牟國珍
頁次 057-077
關鍵字 知覺組織支持人力資本社會資本職業認同求職自我效能Perceived Organizational SupportHuman CapitalSocial CapitalCareer IdentityJob-seeking Self-efficacy
出刊日期 202105




The employment efficacy after the retirement of military personnel has always been the concern of those who have joined the army and those who would like to join the army. Based on the argument that the organization will support administrative work with intangible resources, this study uses perceived organizational support as the proxy variable of intangible resources and psychological capital to explore its influence on the personal employability and job-seeking self-efficacy of military personnel. The results show that perceived organizational support is an important antecedent of employability and self-efficacy of job hunting, and it is also a key factor to enhance the human capital, social capital, and career identity of organizational members. Also, perceived organizational support can improve self-efficacy of job searching through human capital, social capital, and career identity. Therefore, constructing an environment of organizational support to meet the needs of organization members for social recognition and emotional support benefits strengthening self-efficacy of organization members, which will enhance personal capital and job-seeking self-efficacy of organization members.
