
Journal of Computers EIMEDLINEScopus

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篇名 The Dynamic Characteristics of Marching Fire of Armored Vehicle Based on ADAMS Launch Dynamics and Virtual Reality
卷期 32:3
作者 Chao SongHong-Tian LiuDong-Jun WangBing JiYi-Zhuo Jia
頁次 222-236
關鍵字 ADAMSVRmarching firedynamic analysisEIMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 202106
DOI 10.3966/199115992021063203016



In order to improve the combat efficiency of armored vehicles, the dynamic performance of marching fire of armored vehicles is studied. Firstly, hypothesis analysis is made on the force characteristics of marching fire of armored vehicle. Secondly, the dynamics model of marching fire of the wheeled armored vehicle is built by using ADAMS dynamics software, and the marching fire of armored vehicle is simulated by using virtual reality (VR). Finally, the accuracy of the dynamic analysis model is analyzed, and the firing conditions under different situations are analyzed empirically. The results of the study show that the error range between the dynamic analysis model of marching fire of the armored vehicle and the actual test value is within 15%, indicating that the analysis method proposed has a certain accuracy. The worse flatness level of the driving road surface is, the worse firing stability of the armored vehicle is. The increase of high and low angles of fire leads to the increase of muzzle disturbance amplitude. The increase of the directional firing angle and the trunnion clearance will lead to the gradual change of the displacement of high and low angles and the displacement of direction angles of the muzzle. Through research, the proposed analysis method has a certain accuracy. It is hoped that it can provide a certain reference basis for the optimization of the combat parameters of marching fire of armored vehicle, and improve the combat efficiency of the armored vehicle.

