
東吳中文學報 THCI

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篇名 蔣善《史記彙纂》的思維建構與評點特色
卷期 41
並列篇名 The Thinking Construction and Criticism Features of Jiang Shan's "Comment Compilation of Shiji"
作者 邱詩雯
頁次 047-066
關鍵字 蔣善史記彙纂史記評點Jiang ShanComment Compilation of ShijiShijiCommentTHCI
出刊日期 202105




Commenting is a special criticism method combined with the text, discussing the creator’s thinking and creative skills. In the past, researchers have done a lot of research on the commentaries on the "Shiji" of the Ming Dynasty. With the new publication, this study tried to analyze Jiang Shan's critical works. This research used Jiang Shan's "Comment Compilation of Shiji" as the text, and first used the digital humanistic social relationship network research method to analyze the proportion and law of his citations, and observe his thinking in writing. Then used the close reading analysis of the text to explore the critical features of the book "Comment Compilation of Shiji". I hope it can supplement the research content of "Shiji" and enrich the connotation of comment history.
