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篇名 我國提交禁止酷刑公約國家報告書內容與流程之研析
卷期 67:3
並列篇名 The Research on the National Report Content and Process of the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment in Taiwan
作者 黃翠紋周坤寶
頁次 108-139
關鍵字 禁止酷刑公約國家報告書撰寫機關the Convention against Torture and Other CruelInhuman or Degrading Treatment or PunishmentNational Report; Writing Agency
出刊日期 202106




According the article 19 of the CAT, the States Parties shall submit reports within one year after the entry into force of the Convention. Due to the fact that the articles of the CAT have differences from other human rights conventions and cover the accountabilities of many government agencies, it is necessary to outline in advance the whole structure of the Initial National Report of the CAT in order to make the report to meet the requested framework regulated by the United Nations. As for the scope and methods of the research, in addition to collecting both domestic and foreign research documents and data. Besides, we also proceeded the interview with the concerned government agencies and a focus group discussion consisting of some experts and public officials, by which we expect to achieve the purpose of the research and make the final conclusions and suggestions effectively and efficiently. The achievements of the research include as follows: 1. To analyze the contents of the CAT by articles and provide the government agencies with guidelines of writing the report, based on the three main perspectives of prevention (art.1,2,10,15 and 16), implementation(art.3-9) and supervision(art.11-14); 2. To establish the timetable and procedures of writing the Initial National Report and holding the International Review Meeting; 3. To analyze the influencing factors that can affect the quality of the Initial National Report. Considering that most of government agencies are involved in the writing work of the Initial National Report, in order to make the writing and reviewing procedures move forward more effectively and efficiently, the research findings and suggestions are concluded as follows: 1. To designate a senior director from Executive Yuan or MOI to lead the Initial National Report task force; 2. To set up a unit for the initial report and deploy a sufficient human resource and other resource for that unit; 3. To invite NGO, experts and scholars to join the discussion; 4. To establish the contact persons of the government authorities related to the CAT; 5. To set up the training seminars and enhance the direct communication with the officers of each government agencies related to the CAT as soon as possible; 6. To analyze and clarify the types of inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. Of course, due to the research time limits, there are some limitations existing in this research per se which include five points as follows: 1. Most interviewees of government authorities related to the CAT are not familiar with the CAT so that the collected data is limited. 2. Opinions and viewpoints from NGOs are not included in this research. 3. The research has some inadequacy in the data collected by the interview with the government authorities related to the CAT. 4. The Judgment analysis for cases related to the CAT is not used in the research.
