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篇名 民主化與對敵國政策:臺灣與韓國之比較(1988-2007)
卷期 75
並列篇名 The Impact of Democratization on the Policy toward the Rival State: A Comparison of Taiwan and Korea (1988-2007)
作者 關弘昌
頁次 025-044
關鍵字 民主化臺灣韓國兩岸關係兩韓關係DemocratizationTaiwanKoreaCross-Strait relationsInter-Korean relations
出刊日期 202107




Scholars have paid attention to how a country’s democratization influences its policy toward its rival state. This article aims to compare Taiwan’s and South Korea’s experiences on this regard. Taiwan and Korea both turned conciliatory in their policies toward their arch rivals (i.e. China and North Korea respectively) as their democratic transition started in the late 1980s. This article argues this is a result of their leaders’ rational decision making under external and domestic challenges at the time. However, the two countries’ experiences were divergent from the late 1990s to 2007 after they completed democratic transitions: Taiwan’s China policy became increasingly confrontational while South Korea developed a friendly policy toward North Korea. This article claims this divergence resulted from the two countries’ different identity politics brought about by their democratic transitions.
