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篇名 大國疫苗外交的推進:東南亞區域的疫情地緣政治
卷期 75
並列篇名 The Pushing of Vaccine Diplomacy among Great Powers: The Geopolitics of the Covid-19 Pandemic in the Southeast Asia
作者 林佾靜
頁次 095-172
關鍵字 新冠肺炎疫苗疫苗外交東協地緣政治novel coronavirus (Covid-19)vaccine diplomacyASEANgeopolitics
出刊日期 202107




The novel coronavirus(Covid-19)pandemic has affected nearly every country on earth and caused more than 180+ million people affected worldwide, with nearly 4 million deaths. With the birth of vaccine, inoculation comes to the last resort to the cease of global rising infections and deteriorating economy. The efforts in securing vaccines are made with full might by any affected countries. Vaccinating the world against COVID-19 comes to one of mankind’s most critical non-wartime efforts ever. The year 2021 will be designed for focusing on vaccines and the hope of a return to normalcy. While the vaccine turns out a form of strategic resources for national security, how to obtain a significant number of doses for effective inoculation enters the agenda of international security. The vaccine supply-demand relationship is projecting a diplomatic significance as vaccine valued as one diplomatic currency. As the United States and other developed countries are struggling against the unchecked pandemic and for procuring and hoarding mainstream vaccines, China, Russia, and India are otherwise delivering out millions of vaccines to developing areas under the guidance of “vaccine diplomacy,” employed as an extension of their soft power and geopolitical strategy, ushering the outset of race. With the return of America building a strategic alliance against China’s expansion and dominance, the Southeast Asia area is becoming one of the heated strategic competition amid big powers to exercise their vaccine diplomacy for goals of soft and hard power mixed. This essay explores how the vaccine-diplomacy race amid great powers is taking shaping along the geopolitical strategy in the Southeast Asia area and the vaccine policy making among ASEAN nation between public and political calculation.
