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篇名 爆汗褲內裡吸濕性研究
卷期 28:1
並列篇名 Study on the Water Absorption of the Inner Lining of Sweat Pants
作者 詹正豪邢文灝
頁次 022-029
關鍵字 刷毛布吸水性爆汗褲Brushing FleeceAbsorption of WaterSweat Pants
出刊日期 202101


本研究針對cvc刷毛布、尼龍刷毛布及聚酯刷毛布分別進行飽和吸水試驗、蕊吸試驗、乾燥速率試驗以及飽和吸水乾燥速率試驗,實驗使用18種布樣進行比較,分別以改變其布樣成分進行探討不同材質及丹尼數對於吸濕及乾燥速率的影響。由實驗數據得知,飽水試驗以100%Poly單刷單搖210 g/yard的平均吸水率最為佳,其平均吸水率達1051%,而蕊吸試驗以T75D+T100D單刷為最佳,其10分鐘橫向刷毛面蕊吸高度達15.1公分,橫向未刷毛面蕊吸高度達15.2公分,縱向刷毛面蕊吸達14.4公分,縱向未刷毛面蕊吸達14.1公分,飽和乾燥速率則CVC大絨刷毛布480 g/yard為最佳,第40分鐘的殘餘水分率為7.05%。


In this research, cvc fleece, nylon fleece and polyester as a sample, were subjected on saturated water absorption test, wicking rate test, diffusion area test, and saturated water drying rate test. There are eightteen cloth materials in order to explore the effects of different cloth material or different deniers on moisture absorption and drying rate. It found that water absorption test simple of 100% Polyester polar fleece (210g/yard) with brush and pilling have the best performance. The water absorption is 1051% in average, and the wicking rate test to sample of T75D with 100D brush fleece is a the best, The height of wicking rate test, way of the horizontal brush hair surface is 15.1cm, horizontal not brushed surface is 15.2cm in 10 minutes, and the height wicking rate test, way of the longitudinal brush hair surface is 14.4cm, longitudinal not brushed surface is 14.1cm. Testing of drying rate, the simple of CVC brush fleece (480g/yard) was the best, the residual moisture content was 7.05% after 40 minutes.
