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篇名 朱子的「明德注」與韓儒田艮齋、華西學派的有關討論
卷期 48:7=566
並列篇名 The Thoughts behind Zhu-Xi’s Remark of Mingde and the Discussions amongst Chosan Confucianist Ganjae and the Hua-Xi School
作者 楊祖漢
頁次 005-025
關鍵字 朱子明德注田艮齋華西學派牟宗三心性二分先驗的關聯Zhu-XiRemark of MingdeGanjaeHua-Xi SchoolMr. Mou ZongsanDichotomy of Mind and PrincipleTranscendental AssociationA&HCI
出刊日期 202107




Zhu Xi’s Remark of Mingde has a great influence on the later generation Confucians, and Zhu Zi's understanding of Remark of Mingde refers to the Xin or the Xing. There are different opinions on Zhu Xi's discussion, which also leads to the debate of the later generation Confucians. This paper discusses the relevant interpretations of contemporary Mr. Mou Zongsan, and compares it with the argument that Mingde is Xin or Li(principle) in the late Chosan dynasty, and expresses the different types of understanding of Remark of Mingde annotation. I hope that through the above discussion, I can prove my understanding of Zhu Xi’s Remark of Mingde's original intention.
