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篇名 康德《聖經》詮釋思想辨正
卷期 48:7=566
並列篇名 Kant’s Interpretation of The Bible
作者 馬彪
頁次 109-122
關鍵字 康德聖經本真性的解讀學理性的詮釋KantHoly BibleAuthentic InterpretationDoctrinal InterpretationA&HCI
出刊日期 202107




As an enlightened thinker from Pietism, Kant’s attention to the Bible is consistent and unchanged for his life. Undoubtedly, it is a complex and tortuous process for Kant to interpret the Bible. For one thing, Kant affirms that the Bible should be interpreted in way of revelation or faith. Given his epistemic strictures, Kant cannot help but see the theologian as a potential wellspring of insight that promises to chasten and hasten the philosopher’s understanding of rational religion. For another, Kant also urges that the Bible have to be explained by a viewpoint of reason and moral. Important to note is that, on such a reading, Kant is not merely translating the Bible into moral terms, he is mining the resources of practical reason in answer to the question What may I hope? But according to “Der Streit der philosophischen Fakultät mit der theologischen” in Kant’s Der Streit der Fakultäten, we will find that Kant’s interpretation of the Bible not the stagnant acceptance of truth from either discipline, but the dialogue of theology and philosophy in the university.
