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篇名 作為場的身體——梅洛-龐蒂美學思想的起點
卷期 48:7=566
並列篇名 Body as a field—The beginning of Merleau Ponty’s thought of aesthetics
作者 李鈺輝
頁次 171-185
關鍵字 梅洛.龐蒂身體美學思想起點Merleau PontyFieldBodythe Thought of AestheticsBeginningA&HCI
出刊日期 202107


梅洛.龐蒂(Merleau Ponty)美學思想中的核心概念是身體,然而,似乎很少有人注意到身體概念在他美學思想中的場的形態,在他那裏,作為場的身體是他美學思想的起點,由此,通過將身體看作一種場的存在形態,他將美學本體論與認識論結合在了一起,並且通過將身體看作一種場,打開個體與自我,他者乃至歷史的維度,並且由此可以將他的美學思想連貫起來,本文試圖從空間:場化的身體、表達:世界的場化、主體間:裂變的場三個方面論述作為場的身體如何作為龐蒂美學思想的起點,又如何將自身作為貫穿的線索。


This paper addresses a puzzle with regard to the question of the concept of body in the thought of aesthetics of Merleau Ponty, which is not noticed by us. According to Merleau Ponty, the concept of body is a kind of field(‘champ’ in french), which is also the beginning of his thought of aesthetics. In fact, by regarding the body as a field (‘champ’ in french), he combined the ontology of aesthetics with its epistemology, opened the dimension between individuality and ego, even between the others and history. So this paper attempt to demonstrate why the body as a field becomes the beginning of Merleau-Ponty’s thought of aesthetics, and how it becomes the thread of his thought of aesthetics.
