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篇名 AI、傳播與社會專題序言
卷期 41
並列篇名 Special Issues Preface: Artificial Intelligence, Communication, and Society
作者 王維菁
頁次 019-026
出刊日期 202107
DOI 10.29843/JCCIS.202107_(41).0002




Artificial intelligence (AI) has entered the daily life of human society. However, many social application users are not aware that they are interacting with AI systems; and the relevant operations are not subject to strict social supervision in terms of transparency, accountability, privacy protection, or social fairness. In the social communication field, AI applications have gradually changed the communication model of the past as well as the definition, imagination, and norms of communication in terms of social theory. The social changes brought about by AI appear to be real, but also feel like imaginary exaggerations. Apparently, the human society has not yet clarified the specific scale of social, ethical, and collective-order related challenges corollary to the changes. Moreover, AI development involves the use of Big Data on the public, and the relevant applications are deeply intertwined with public interests. It is essential to incorporate the values cherished by human society into AI designs and application processes to ensure AI systems conform to the norms and standards of human society. But who will ensure the code of ethics for AI systems? Who will determine the moral connotations? These are no doubt complex social issues. Bringing human and social concerns into the AI development discourse and ensuring AI developments and applications are bound by the terms of human nature, social needs, and public welfare will become the core spirit of AI related Humanities and Social Sciences research in the future.

